Anita Minnow

Conference Coordinator

Hosted by Get Elevated

*Economic Development
*Business Opportunities

Canada 2023

Welcome to the Get Elevated Foundation ! It is an honour to share our plan for the next Forum.

For the past two years, we have witnessed the world come to a standstill because of the pandemic. Businesses were ordered shut and it is estimated that over 30% of small businesses permanently closed their doors for good. This costly lesson has taught us that businesses need to have backup plans and become more flexible in order to survive the unforeseen circumstances.

We are bringing together professionals from various industries who are enthusiastic about the reopening of the economy. They will be sharing their industry insight through speaking engagements and training sessions. This is a great opportunity for professionals to complete their professional development hours and get international exposure. We are expecting leaders from various industries including:

  • Real Estate and Development – Healthcare and Medicine
  • Education
  • Technology
  • Political and Spiritual leaders – Human Resources
  • and many more

Gain key insights about your industry, increase your social capital and get exposure to business opportunities, are the main takeaways from our upcoming Forum. We know that this year’s forum will help you reach the next level of success you deserve.

Stay connected to us on social media and look out for updates on guest speakers, venues, and tours. Join our email list at [email protected] or contact us directly for any questions.

Canada 2023

Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship Summit

Your opportunity to learn from industry leaders while completing any professional development requirements.

The purpose of the summit is for you to get international exposure to learning resources, so you can share the information when you return to your team. We are looking forward to your attendance!

Economic Empowerment

Economic Empowerment

Economic Empowerment is a strong value of the Get Elevated Network. We want this summit to be your platform for building capacity in your industry and among your colleagues. At this year’s summit, we will be committing to economic empowerment by having resources geared towards entrepreneurship. We hope to connect you to your divine assignment through enlightenment, inspiration and motivation.
Organizations/Businesses, Dignitaries, and many more

Organizations/Businesses, Dignitaries, and many more

We believe that professional development and learning should come from the best. Hence, we are gathering together key industry professionals and government dignitaries to expand your knowledge.
Increasing Social Capital

Increasing Social Capital

We believe that professional development and learning should come from the best. Hence, we are gathering together key industry professionals and government dignitaries to expand your knowledge.

Meet our Amazing Speakers

Kennedy Iden

Author, Vision Architect

Dr. Edward Olutoke

President, ICCIA

Hon. Orok

MD, CDDL Nigeria

Mr. Brad Blazar

President, Capital School, USA

Dean Delpeache

Diversity & Inclusion Consultant

Mr. Amos Onyango

CEO, Young Panafricanist

Richard M. Kiernicki

Author & Transformational Leader

Cheryl Ranki

Marketing, Branding Expert

Nadine Lajoie

Featured in Forbes, USA Today, ABC, FOX & CBS Money Watch

H. E. Dr. O. Favour Ayodele

Presidential Aspirant and Diplomacy Director, AIC

Dr. Edward Olutoke

President of lkeja Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Abayomi Agbabiaka

* * * * *

Shannon Green

* * * * *

Ighodaloh Oseyomon

President & CEO, Bamboo Group of Companies
Get Elevated Summit

2019 Summit by the Numbers


Keynote speakers

Regions Represented


Recognition Awards

Basic Package

Global Business & Leadership Summit

  • Event Registration
  • 4 Nights Hotel Accommodation
  • Transportation to and fro the Airport
  •  Breakfast and Lunch for the duration of event .
  • Tickets for the Gala nite.
  •  Niagara falls and Wine tour .
  • Visa Processing

Audacity of Purpose

by Kennedy Iden

The principles and lessons in this book are tested and proven tools to start a substainable business. The book is designed to open you up to your hidden treasure, and when you come to this realizationyou are inspired by everything you see. Through the tested and proven principles and lessons in this book , you will open a flowing source of income and guaranteed an impactful life.
Get Elevated Summit

Our Partners


Become a Sponsor



$ 20000


$ 15000


$ 12000


$ 10000


$ 7500

Elevate Investor

$ 5000

Toronto, Canada

Toronto is perhaps one of the most cosmopolitan and multicultural cities in the world. With a population of over 3.0million, the city is 50% visible minority as of the most recent census. Toronto boasts huge visible minority populations from South Asia, East Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

Canada’s financial center is of course Toronto. It’s strength in North America,
cannot be overlooked. The Toronto Financial Center, reported that Toronto is
the 2nd largest financial center in North America, outpacing cities such as Chicago, Montreal and Los Angeles ( No
wonder why Canada’s largest financial institutions are all headquartered in

The technology industry in Toronto is quite promising for investors and business owners. According to a recent New York times article, Toronto is experiencing a quiet “technology boom”. In the last 5 – 10 years many big tech and popular tech companies have set up locations and head offices in Toronto. Such as, Netflix, Wayfair, Slack, LinkedIn and many others.

Employment in the Financial Sector

8.1% Toronto

7.3% London

6.3% NYC

For More Information:

+1 437 434 0834

+1 416 564 6133

Whatsapp: +1 905 683 5199

[email protected]

Get Elevated Summit
If you still have unanswered questions after reading this page, please contact us
